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:) Go ahead! Indulge yourself and read my blog!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The End of 2010

Can you believe it? 2010 is almost over! It's soo hard to believe! So many things have happened this year. Some were life-changing. Others were just normal traditions that happen every year. I'll have to say, 2010 was a success in my eyes. Trial hit my family hard sometimes, but nothing we couldn't handle. My family is so tough. No matter the battle, we always seem to fight through and stick together. I love all of my family so much! I couldn't make it without them! I have had the chance to experience being a freshman and a sophomore in high school, and I've had the chance to be a 14 year old and also a 15 year old all in one year! I was able to go to basketball camp, horse camp, church camp, and other basketball tourneys! It was one of the busiest years of my life!!

National Youth Convention was amazing! This year it was held in Orlando, Florida! It was so exciting. So many people from my church went, and many of them had never flown before. It was such an experience! I got to go to Disney World while I was there and see Cinderella! While at the Convention, I met so many new people. To name a few, I met Josh, Carlos, Josie, Riley, Don, and some other people in elevators. haha

This year I have grown so close to Alexis Reynolds. She is my best friend! We're dweebs when we're together, but that's just how our friendship is. We're crazy, and if you don't like to laugh, then you shouldn't hang around with us. We love to do random, fun things. We especially like to talk in Spanish! haha I'm so glad that I have as good of a friend as Alexis!

Alexis and I with Princess Honky Donkey:)

This Summer, I became such great friends with the Newman boys, especially Willie. He's one of my best guy friends. He's so sweet (ladies, that's a hint lol)! You couldn't ask for a better friend to cheer you up. :)

Also this Summer, my family lost my Papaw Virgil. It was hard, but like I said, nothing my family couldn't get through. He's in a better place and I have peace of mind.

Overall, this year of 2010 has been full of experiences, good and bad. I believe that it all happened for a reason, though. I'm thankful that I was able to experience all of it!


  1. 2010 has flown! I love your pic with Honky Donky. Poor Honky died a couple weeks ago. We have Honky 2 now...he is so cute. Love you lots!!! Aunt Jess

  2. I know!! I can't wait to ride Honky Donky 2!!! lol I forgot to mention all of the new additions to our family this year. I love all of your kids soo much and I love being their 'Juju'! :)

  3. That was a real fine blog. You are awesome!!!!
